Feedback plays a central part in ensuring that higher education institutions (HEIs) are successful. Feedback can be captured at all levels of an institution in a variety of ways giving academic leaders the insight they need to drive improvement institution-wide. Below, we look at several ways feedback can help HEIs drive performance at the student, staff, and institutional level.


1. Improve student learning

Feedback is an important part of the learning cycle, and student learning outcome is linked to institutional effectiveness. Unlike other assessment methods, feedback allows students to take an active role in their learning. As a reflective process it encourages learners to consider their strengths and identify areas for development. Students will always offer feedback if it is tied to their own improvement and success. By listening to this feedback and taking appropriate action, educators can ensure that all learners are successful.


2. Increase teaching effectiveness

For faculty, feedback gives valuable clues into their teaching quality and assists to expose teaching blind spots. By collecting student input throughout the semester, instructors can gauge the pulse of their classroom and make meaningful, incremental changes to the course environment to help improve Internal Assessment and End semester evaluations.


3. Support decision making

A reliable feedback system can support institutions in collecting and understanding information for faculty development. Based on collected data, academic leaders can use time-trend analysis to monitor the progress over time. They can then leverage this information to demonstrate reasons for appraisals. Equally, faculty members can use insights from feedback to make their case for promotions.

Action Taken Reports (2015-2020) – View/Download